Effective leadership involves, engages, motivates and inspires people to achieve unrealised potential and extraordinary results!

Leadership is a ‘doing’ word not a position. It is not uncommon for people to be thrust into positions where they find themselves surrounded in all directions by people who expect them to provide leadership as central to their role as a Manager.

People are often parachuted into Leadership roles (Managers) because they have demonstrated proficiency in the management of hard resources. They have developed the mindsets, skillsets and toolsets required to be efficient with hard resources E.G. equipment, plant, systems, finance, time etc. They have developed the management competencies of solving problems, organising, and planning with efficiency. When they apply the same ‘efficiency sets’ to people they often run into difficulties.

Have you ever tried to be efficient with a family member?

Everyone is fundamentally different. Driven by a vastly diverse range of backgrounds and characteristics, people tend not to respond well to others attempts to be efficient in their interactions. The required mindset, skillset and toolset for leadership is centred on what is required to be effective with people. The high performing Manager is ‘effective’ in leading people to the ‘efficient’ management of other resources.

Most people have a natural born preference for either managing hard resources with efficiency or leading human resource effectively. The high performing Manager has learned how to do both in an integrated way in spite of their natural born preferences. In this way more human resource in the organisation is led to the improved management of all other resources.

Leadership (or a lack thereof) is at the root cause of all that is both right and wrong in an organisation.

Effective leadership involves, engages, motivates and inspires people to achieve unrealised potential and extraordinary results!

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